إستعرض بواسطة اللغة : الإنجليزية

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عرض النتائج 1 إلى 20 من 449  التالى >
Achieving Investment Excellence: a practical guide for trustees of pension funds, Endowmentفاندم، ألفرد، سلاجر
Change in Factor Endowment: Technological Innovation and ExportJalil, Abdur Rauf, Ma Ying
Combinatorial Auctions with Endowment EffectDopzinski Shahar Babaioff
Considering the Effect of Market Experience on the EndowmentHollard, Guillaume, Engelmann
Contagious Endowment Effects Across TransactionKwon Jaehwan pyo Tae Hyung
Deprivation: Endowment and DiscriminationKilic, Ibrahim Engin,
Endowment Asset Allocations: Insights and StrategiesFarizo Earl, John H Arnol Tom
The Endowment EffectFuster, Andrees, Marzilli Eriscon
An Endowment Effect For Risk: Experimental Tests of Stochastic Reference PointsSprenger Charles
Endowment Effect in Capuchin MonkeysKeith Chen Lakshminaryanan, Venkat
Endowment Effects in ChimpanzeesJones Owen, Brosnan, Sarah F
Endowment Effects in the fieldRamadurai, Balasubramaniyam
Endowment Inequality In Public goods GamesHargreaves Heap, Shuan P
Endowment Management For Higher Educationكروس نوكول وولمان
The endowment model of investingMartin L
Endowment Performanceريتشادر إم
Endowment Regarding PreferencesNguyen Van Quy
Endowment Technology choice and industrial UpgradingZhang Liu, Zhengweng Lin
Endowments, Exclusion and ExchangeKotowski, Maciej H, Balbuzanov, Ivan
Energy Endowment: Environmental Regulation and Energy EfficiencyShang Deng